UAE cracks down on mature games, bans Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age: Origins next
It looks like the Kingdom of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is not looking too kindly upon mature-themed video games. After banning Heavy Rain from their territory, we’ve just received word that two more games are following suit: Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age: Origins.
It looks like the Kingdom of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is not looking too kindly upon mature-themed video games. After banning Heavy Rain from their territory, we’ve just received word that two more games are following suit: Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age: Origins.
From Dragon Age: Origins
What’s different about the situation of these two games, however, is that they have been out on store shelves for some time now. As to what made their goverment change their minds about allowing it to be sold in their market, we do not know for now.
It’s not too far-fetched though to guess that it’s the rather steamy scenes in both titles. As to what’s gonna happen to those who’ve already bought copies of this game, let’s just hope they don’t get compelled to surrender them.
Via [Megamers]
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