Valve skeptical of Microsoft’s campaign for the PC game industry

Valve Software - thinks Microsoft could be faking it's campaign for the PC - Image 1

Enter Microsoft‘s Games for Windows initiative – Microsoft‘s bid for branding new PC games under development to conform to their newest operating system (and gaming platform) Windows Vista. It also serves as a slight resurrection tool to bring the PC game industry back on its feet after a continuing lackluster performance in the game industry.

Enter Valve Software, the creators of hit Half-Life, Half-Life 2, and Counter-Strike among others. Valve is pretty skeptical that Microsoft is campaigning for the PC gamers just for the sake of the PC game. In fact, they see the campaign as a simple push for Microsoft to market the Vista to increase its sales. After all, not everyone is excited about it.

As marketing manager at Valve, Doug Lombardi believes that for a complete belief in the industry, Microsoft will have to back the PC game market for several years. Lombardi speculated, “We’ll see if in two years Microsoft is still spending money to put Games for Windows sections in retail, and having PR people preach that message that the PC isn’t dying, itÂ’s actually bigger than all the consoles put together.”

Sony and Microsoft have been shoving information around in the console market bit, stating that the PC is dying and the console is winning. One would easily be suspicious of such blatant remarks from the same giant who claimed to support the PC. Way to back-stab, Bill.

Via GamesIndustry

Valve Software - thinks Microsoft could be faking it's campaign for the PC - Image 1

Enter Microsoft‘s Games for Windows initiative – Microsoft‘s bid for branding new PC games under development to conform to their newest operating system (and gaming platform) Windows Vista. It also serves as a slight resurrection tool to bring the PC game industry back on its feet after a continuing lackluster performance in the game industry.

Enter Valve Software, the creators of hit Half-Life, Half-Life 2, and Counter-Strike among others. Valve is pretty skeptical that Microsoft is campaigning for the PC gamers just for the sake of the PC game. In fact, they see the campaign as a simple push for Microsoft to market the Vista to increase its sales. After all, not everyone is excited about it.

As marketing manager at Valve, Doug Lombardi believes that for a complete belief in the industry, Microsoft will have to back the PC game market for several years. Lombardi speculated, “We’ll see if in two years Microsoft is still spending money to put Games for Windows sections in retail, and having PR people preach that message that the PC isn’t dying, itÂ’s actually bigger than all the consoles put together.”

Sony and Microsoft have been shoving information around in the console market bit, stating that the PC is dying and the console is winning. One would easily be suspicious of such blatant remarks from the same giant who claimed to support the PC. Way to back-stab, Bill.

Via GamesIndustry

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