Videogames make you stupid! Yeah, whatever.

The Digg title said “Research: Video Games Make You Stupid” catchy, yes, but that wasn’t what the whole story was about. Basically, the report on InformationWeek said that a January survey by Harris Interactive of more than 1,100 youths aged 8 to 18 revealed that addicted hardcore gamers receive lower grades in school than their peers.

It’s not that it automatically makes you dumber. It’s just that they noted that those addicted were more likely to be diagnosed with an attention deficit problem… ooh look balloon. Where was I? Oh yeah. The Harris Interactive study also found that that aside from performing poorly in school, the addicts are more likely to get into physical fights and are physically heavier than non addicts.

Not all studies have shown that videogame play is negative. A previous study conducted last year by Beth Israel Medical center in New York found that surgeons who played video games before participating in a performance test completed it more than 11 seconds faster than doctors who don’t play games. Yes folks, problems solving skills, the ability to see connections, and overall hand-eye coordination. Classic stuff gamers have been spouting in defense of their passion.

So what’s with the videogames makes you dumber title in the Digg post? Well, the guy who dug was just probably looking for diggs, and probably felt that a catchy title was needed.

Simple explanation for all of this: More time on videogames, less time to study, unless you’re a freakin’ genius you’re bound to fail a test – any test – that you didn’t study for. More time on videogames, less time for physical activity – well thank god for the Wii. And lastly, More time on videogames, means less time socially, meaning more time getting bullied and beaten up. There’s your “physical fights” right there. I mean, if you came across the guy in the video below, wouldn’t you want to beat some sense into him?

Oh, and ignore my simple explanation. I’m no expert.

Via InformationWeek

The Digg title said “Research: Video Games Make You Stupid” catchy, yes, but that wasn’t what the whole story was about. Basically, the report on InformationWeek said that a January survey by Harris Interactive of more than 1,100 youths aged 8 to 18 revealed that addicted hardcore gamers receive lower grades in school than their peers.

It’s not that it automatically makes you dumber. It’s just that they noted that those addicted were more likely to be diagnosed with an attention deficit problem… ooh look balloon. Where was I? Oh yeah. The Harris Interactive study also found that that aside from performing poorly in school, the addicts are more likely to get into physical fights and are physically heavier than non addicts.

Not all studies have shown that videogame play is negative. A previous study conducted last year by Beth Israel Medical center in New York found that surgeons who played video games before participating in a performance test completed it more than 11 seconds faster than doctors who don’t play games. Yes folks, problems solving skills, the ability to see connections, and overall hand-eye coordination. Classic stuff gamers have been spouting in defense of their passion.

So what’s with the videogames makes you dumber title in the Digg post? Well, the guy who dug was just probably looking for diggs, and probably felt that a catchy title was needed.

Simple explanation for all of this: More time on videogames, less time to study, unless you’re a freakin’ genius you’re bound to fail a test – any test – that you didn’t study for. More time on videogames, less time for physical activity – well thank god for the Wii. And lastly, More time on videogames, means less time socially, meaning more time getting bullied and beaten up. There’s your “physical fights” right there. I mean, if you came across the guy in the video below, wouldn’t you want to beat some sense into him?

Oh, and ignore my simple explanation. I’m no expert.

Via InformationWeek

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