View your battery percentage from the XMB with the Battery PRX
Homebrew shells such as iR Shell have an integrated battery monitor which tells you what percentage your battery is at. This can be very useful as you can see exactly how much power your PSP has before it runs out of juice.
Conventional battery icons just don’t cut it when you only have 1 bar and it’s the final level of the game you’ve been trying to complete for ages – you need to know exactly how much time you have left. That’s why the creator of Flash Agent, Hallo007 has released a new PRX for custom firmware users.
Currently, this battery PRX only shows the percentage of battery life when you press the note key, but Hallo007 plans to add more features in future versions now that he has the hang of making PRX’s. This is his first PRX and therefore there may be a couple of bugs in this release. It has already been noted that the screenshot PRX uses the note key to operate as well, but this will all be fixed in future versions.
To install the battery PRX, simply copy the extracted folders into the SEPLUGINS folder, make a vsh.txt and enable it in recovery mode.
Download: [Battery PRX v0.01]
View: [Forum release thread]
Homebrew shells such as iR Shell have an integrated battery monitor which tells you what percentage your battery is at. This can be very useful as you can see exactly how much power your PSP has before it runs out of juice.
Conventional battery icons just don’t cut it when you only have 1 bar and it’s the final level of the game you’ve been trying to complete for ages – you need to know exactly how much time you have left. That’s why the creator of Flash Agent, Hallo007 has released a new PRX for custom firmware users.
Currently, this battery PRX only shows the percentage of battery life when you press the note key, but Hallo007 plans to add more features in future versions now that he has the hang of making PRX’s. This is his first PRX and therefore there may be a couple of bugs in this release. It has already been noted that the screenshot PRX uses the note key to operate as well, but this will all be fixed in future versions.
To install the battery PRX, simply copy the extracted folders into the SEPLUGINS folder, make a vsh.txt and enable it in recovery mode.
Download: [Battery PRX v0.01]
View: [Forum release thread]