Vigil Games: Hollywood interested in Darksiders

darksidersDarksiders may not yet be out, but it’s very clear that the buzz is reaching out far and wide, even to Hollywood. Joe Madureira, comic legend and the creative director behind the game, revealed in a recent interview that Hollywood has indeed come a-knocking.



Darksiders may not yet be out, but it’s very clear that the buzz is reaching out far and wide, even to Hollywood. Joe Madureira, comic legend and the creative director behind the game, revealed in a recent interview that Hollywood has indeed come a-knocking.




“We’ve gotten some interest from Hollywood, we’ve talked about doing a comic series. At least a couple of those things have to happen, I’m sure,” he said. He also stressed, however, that it’s really THQ who is in charge of all things about the game not related to its development, and not Vigil Games.


“It’s really a THQ thing, but I know they are definitely talking to people and I would be surprised if some of that stuff didn’t happen.”


Darksiders is due out this week.



Via [VG247]



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