Viking: Battle for Asgard official site now up with new trailer video

Viking: Battle for Asgard official site now up with new trailer video - Image 1Looking for more updates on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 video game Viking: Battle for Asgard? Well you are just in time as we have another one for you today. Sega has opened the official website of the game.

Aside from that, a new trailer video has just been released which can be found in the said website. Click the “read more” link below to know the full details.

Viking: Battle for Asgard official site now up with new trailer video - Image 1 

Sega is sending out word that the official website of Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 video game Viking: Battle for Asgard has just gone live. This is in preparation for the title’s launch on March 28.

Battle for Asgard is being developed by Creative Assembly. It revolves around the Norse mythology that tells the story of the war in Asgard that spilled over to the mortal world of Midgard.

The main protagonist Skarin comes into play as he was personally chosen by Odin’s daughter Freya to be the champions of the gods. The newly opened website features more game information, visuals, and the epic new video featuring the Siege of Caldburg.

Despite the many offerings available, the website is still not 100% operational. This only means that more updates will be coming our way as we get closer to the release date of Viking: Battle for Asgard. To check out the website itself, you can click the source link below.

Via Viking

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