Watch a badass robot gone haywire: Robo Blitz video demo

roboblitzPhysics just got bumped up on the coolness meter when the sci-fi shooter game Robo Blitz was announced (much to the joy of physicists everywhere who were suddenly cool enough to actually talk to).

Haha, seriously though, physics could not have looked any better than with the way this robot combat game demonstrates it.

Physics engine. We’ve already mentioned that the game will be powered by Unreal Engine 3 and PhysX“>Ageia PhysX. We’ve also given you the trailer that lets you guys have a quick-see of the game and how Blitz zaps out the space pirates.

Cool robotics. But for our fellas who are into robotics themselves, we think they’ll be glad to know that the video we have now takes a closer look at Blitz’s physical…wait, no, err…mechanical makeup, as well as the techy weapons to be featured in the game.

With one of the guys from Naked Sky talking us through most of the video, the attacks and weapons that Blitz uses are explained in detail, like the Spin Attack, which allows Blitz to spin furiously for a whole 360 degrees to wham his enemies into space oblivion. Now, combine the spin attack with the variety of materials you can pick up and use as a weapon, and you have an unstoppable 360-degree-spinning mad robot.

The weapons featured in the game includes the rifle-slash-stun gun which basically zaps out your enemies even from a far distance. The team has also thrown in a rocket launcher-type weapon, but with a little twist — it launches a firebullet-ish thingamajig that’ll reach your target even when its way up in space. Robo Blitz also has the P2P feature (Point to Point), where you can connect various materials found in the environments, and this applies to the baddies as well (space pirates, drones, and whatnot) so you can “connect” four drones, have them levitate, and then slam them against the wall all at the same time.

But anyhoo, enough with the talking, we’ll let you guys check out all the action yourself. Just download the vid below and get ready for some wicked physics-inspired robotic action!

Download: [Robo Blitz video demo]

roboblitzPhysics just got bumped up on the coolness meter when the sci-fi shooter game Robo Blitz was announced (much to the joy of physicists everywhere who were suddenly cool enough to actually talk to).

Haha, seriously though, physics could not have looked any better than with the way this robot combat game demonstrates it.

Physics engine. We’ve already mentioned that the game will be powered by Unreal Engine 3 and PhysX“>Ageia PhysX. We’ve also given you the trailer that lets you guys have a quick-see of the game and how Blitz zaps out the space pirates.

Cool robotics. But for our fellas who are into robotics themselves, we think they’ll be glad to know that the video we have now takes a closer look at Blitz’s physical…wait, no, err…mechanical makeup, as well as the techy weapons to be featured in the game.

With one of the guys from Naked Sky talking us through most of the video, the attacks and weapons that Blitz uses are explained in detail, like the Spin Attack, which allows Blitz to spin furiously for a whole 360 degrees to wham his enemies into space oblivion. Now, combine the spin attack with the variety of materials you can pick up and use as a weapon, and you have an unstoppable 360-degree-spinning mad robot.

The weapons featured in the game includes the rifle-slash-stun gun which basically zaps out your enemies even from a far distance. The team has also thrown in a rocket launcher-type weapon, but with a little twist — it launches a firebullet-ish thingamajig that’ll reach your target even when its way up in space. Robo Blitz also has the P2P feature (Point to Point), where you can connect various materials found in the environments, and this applies to the baddies as well (space pirates, drones, and whatnot) so you can “connect” four drones, have them levitate, and then slam them against the wall all at the same time.

But anyhoo, enough with the talking, we’ll let you guys check out all the action yourself. Just download the vid below and get ready for some wicked physics-inspired robotic action!

Download: [Robo Blitz video demo]

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