Watch: RE5 Alternative Edition Desperate Escape trailer

re5-ae-thumbCapcom has released a new triler for Desperate Escape, the second downloadable mission for Resident Evil 5: Alternative Edition. Don’t worry about the Japanese text at the beginning. The audio’s in English.


Capcom has released a new triler for Desperate Escape, the second downloadable mission for Resident Evil 5: Alternative Edition. Don’t worry about the Japanese text at the beginning. The audio’s in English.


While the trailer is for Desperate Escape, there are a few scenes from Lost in Nightmares. You can also get a glimpse of some of the Mercenaries Reunion costumes near the end of the video.




Desperate Escape is slated for a March release. The first downloadable mission, Lost in Nightmares, comes out next month. Both will be included in the Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition release set for March 9 (DLC tokens for Xbox 360, on-disc for PS3).

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