Water as a Fuel… Wishful Thinking?

H2OIn a word…yes! Claims floating around the web asserting that inventor Denny Kline has discovered a novel method for mixing the byproducts that come from electrolysis (hydrogen and oxygen) to make a cheap, clean fuel source sound remarkable to say the least.

Unfortunately, like most things that sound too good to be true, HHO, Brown’s Gas, Di- Hydroxy (or whatever else you choose to call it) will most likely end up as a footnote in the story of our search for clean, affordable energy sources.

In a FOX news interview Kline essentially claims to have revolutionized the way we weld metal and as an added benefit created a solution to the world’s energy crisis. While there has been some confusion because of the fact that HHO welding technology does have some commercial value, the technology is not efficient enough in its current form to replace gasoline.

The driving force behind the spread of this story seems to be the FOX 26 news interview conducted by an enthusiastic, naive, reporter who didn’t do his homework that ended up giving Kline’s idea of replacing gasoline with water more credibility than it ever deserved. Since people are more inclined to believe what they hear on the news, the story spread like wildfire and an urban myth was born!

If it weren’t for science, and the patent office, Kline might have made a mint off selling his claims to the highest (dumbest) bidder. What’s odd is that there is a method for creating fuel from H2O that actually works! The only problem is that he did not invent it and the idea has already been patented.

The process of separating the components of H2O and then using the Hydrogen and Oxygen as a fuel source has been around since the late 1800s. The idea of using water as an answer to our energy problems has come up again and again throughout history since then.

However, the nagging fact remains that even though this has been tried and even patented before, the process of conversion needed to turn water into a use able source of energy is not efficient enough to replace the fossil fuel we currently use. Because of the cost and the fact that the process of conversion uses more energy than it actually creates this dream of cheap plentiful energy will remain out of reach until someone can figure out a way to “repeal” the Conservation of Energy law.

Via You Tube

H2OIn a word…yes! Claims floating around the web asserting that inventor Denny Kline has discovered a novel method for mixing the byproducts that come from electrolysis (hydrogen and oxygen) to make a cheap, clean fuel source sound remarkable to say the least.

Unfortunately, like most things that sound too good to be true, HHO, Brown’s Gas, Di- Hydroxy (or whatever else you choose to call it) will most likely end up as a footnote in the story of our search for clean, affordable energy sources.

In a FOX news interview Kline essentially claims to have revolutionized the way we weld metal and as an added benefit created a solution to the world’s energy crisis. While there has been some confusion because of the fact that HHO welding technology does have some commercial value, the technology is not efficient enough in its current form to replace gasoline.

The driving force behind the spread of this story seems to be the FOX 26 news interview conducted by an enthusiastic, naive, reporter who didn’t do his homework that ended up giving Kline’s idea of replacing gasoline with water more credibility than it ever deserved. Since people are more inclined to believe what they hear on the news, the story spread like wildfire and an urban myth was born!

If it weren’t for science, and the patent office, Kline might have made a mint off selling his claims to the highest (dumbest) bidder. What’s odd is that there is a method for creating fuel from H2O that actually works! The only problem is that he did not invent it and the idea has already been patented.

The process of separating the components of H2O and then using the Hydrogen and Oxygen as a fuel source has been around since the late 1800s. The idea of using water as an answer to our energy problems has come up again and again throughout history since then.

However, the nagging fact remains that even though this has been tried and even patented before, the process of conversion needed to turn water into a use able source of energy is not efficient enough to replace the fossil fuel we currently use. Because of the cost and the fact that the process of conversion uses more energy than it actually creates this dream of cheap plentiful energy will remain out of reach until someone can figure out a way to “repeal” the Conservation of Energy law.

Via You Tube

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