We spy with our eye… A Wii disc dumper exploit?

Exploit found?Folks who are looking for a potential one-way ticket to Piracy Landia just might find it online already. Apparently, as follow up on the Xbox Linux team’s Wii hack, an application has already been developed to allow you to dump your Wii discs onto the PC. Yes, an exploit.

The hack not only requires you to install the dumper application, by the way. You’ve also got to have a certain specific hardware and software set-up for it to work. Y’know: get this sort of DVD drive and use that sort of framework. Pardon us for being vague here, but hacking (which may lead to piracy) has always been an iffy thing.

There’s a catch though. It turns out that the whole disc dumping process will take you around a little over 50 hours. That’s two days of your life, just to get a disc image of a Wii game.

Is this worth it? That’s for you to decide.

Exploit found?Folks who are looking for a potential one-way ticket to Piracy Landia just might find it online already. Apparently, as follow up on the Xbox Linux team’s Wii hack, an application has already been developed to allow you to dump your Wii discs onto the PC. Yes, an exploit.

The hack not only requires you to install the dumper application, by the way. You’ve also got to have a certain specific hardware and software set-up for it to work. Y’know: get this sort of DVD drive and use that sort of framework. Pardon us for being vague here, but hacking (which may lead to piracy) has always been an iffy thing.

There’s a catch though. It turns out that the whole disc dumping process will take you around a little over 50 hours. That’s two days of your life, just to get a disc image of a Wii game.

Is this worth it? That’s for you to decide.

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