Who Plays What In Halo 2 Matchmaking?

The guys over at Bungie have a breakdown of what people play on Halo 2 matchmaking over Xbox Live in their Weekly Update. The top 3 matchmaking games that gamers play, percentage-wise, are:

  1. Team Slayer at 21.47%
  2. Team Training at 15.29%
  3. Team Snipers at 11.86%

The rest of the matchmaking breaks down the remaining 51.38% between the other 11 types of games that Halo 2 matchmaking has at this moment. Check out the full pie chart below to see the full stats.

The guys over at Bungie have a breakdown of what people play on Halo 2 matchmaking over Xbox Live in their Weekly Update. The top 3 matchmaking games that gamers play, percentage-wise, are:

  1. Team Slayer at 21.47%
  2. Team Training at 15.29%
  3. Team Snipers at 11.86%

The rest of the matchmaking breaks down the remaining 51.38% between the other 11 types of games that Halo 2 matchmaking has at this moment. Check out the full pie chart below to see the full stats.

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