Why hackers stood in line for an Xbox 360

Source: joystiq


You might think that a man that runs Linux on his laptop and who tends to avoid Microsoft products like they’re de debil would be the last person to stand in line for an Xbox 360 on launch night. Au contraire. You see, the first-run Xbox 360s will include firmware and hardware that may ultimately prove more susceptible to tomfoolery of the sort that hackers like Elliot Phillips revel in.

Elliot at blog hack a day gives his first impressions on the Xbox 360 from the perspective of a dude who intends to break every line in the terms of use agreement, and then some.

One word of advice for Elliot, though: don’t pretend you lost at PGR3 because your Xbox 360 “locked up” on you. We all know that the Xbox 360 never locks up while playing that game. You got beat fair and square by pure Joystiq pwnage. Bring it!

Source: joystiq


You might think that a man that runs Linux on his laptop and who tends to avoid Microsoft products like they’re de debil would be the last person to stand in line for an Xbox 360 on launch night. Au contraire. You see, the first-run Xbox 360s will include firmware and hardware that may ultimately prove more susceptible to tomfoolery of the sort that hackers like Elliot Phillips revel in.

Elliot at blog hack a day gives his first impressions on the Xbox 360 from the perspective of a dude who intends to break every line in the terms of use agreement, and then some.

One word of advice for Elliot, though: don’t pretend you lost at PGR3 because your Xbox 360 “locked up” on you. We all know that the Xbox 360 never locks up while playing that game. You got beat fair and square by pure Joystiq pwnage. Bring it!

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