Why Microsoft won’t give XBox360 power numbers

Xbox360_logo1111111When IBM gave out the info on the Xbox 360 CPU, there are two things it would not reveal, its name and the power consumption.

Well, the name part is pretty well known, it is either Xenos or Waternoose, but you can understand why in this litigation crazy day and age they wouldn’t want that out. The power use is a little stranger, but like the three cores, has a reasonable explanation.

The reason is console pricing, about the last thing you would ever think of when quoting CPU power consumption. The console business is a harsh one full of backstabbing, loss leaders and competitive pricing. Long before a console is built, the first few shrinks, component costs and price drops are already planned out. The same is true for the competition. If Microsoft is going to cut the price by , you can bet Sony will match it, and you can also bet if it is able to dig a heel into Sony with said cut, it will time it to do so. If Sony sees a gap, it will likewise go for the throat.

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Xbox360_logo1111111When IBM gave out the info on the Xbox 360 CPU, there are two things it would not reveal, its name and the power consumption.

Well, the name part is pretty well known, it is either Xenos or Waternoose, but you can understand why in this litigation crazy day and age they wouldn’t want that out. The power use is a little stranger, but like the three cores, has a reasonable explanation.

The reason is console pricing, about the last thing you would ever think of when quoting CPU power consumption. The console business is a harsh one full of backstabbing, loss leaders and competitive pricing. Long before a console is built, the first few shrinks, component costs and price drops are already planned out. The same is true for the competition. If Microsoft is going to cut the price by , you can bet Sony will match it, and you can also bet if it is able to dig a heel into Sony with said cut, it will time it to do so. If Sony sees a gap, it will likewise go for the throat.

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