Wii Bowling’s Power Bowl: 890 points… OF DEATH!

It’s not really “of death,” but we were hoping it’d catch your attention. Joystiq has a very interesting proposition out there for all the Wii bowlers who think they’ve got the stuff BEYOND the usual 300 pin perfect game. Apparently, no one’s ever been able to score a perfect game in Wii Bowling’s Power Bowl minigame, so they want to see proof of someone maxing it out.

Their mention of it brings up the notion of prizes as well, so expect some goodies if you can follow their directions:

Can anyone out there achieve the holy grail of Wii Sports and get a perfect score in this difficult minigame? The first person to submit video evidence of the feat (without cheating!) will get a handsome Joystiq T-shirt and eternal Internet glory as their reward.

When they say without cheating, they mean without using the power bowl trick to achieve a strike on the final set of pins. That also means no machines, no switching with other people, and no greasing of the ball. In the meantime, enjoy this video of someone scoring 804 points (with cheating) on Wii Bowling, grab your Wiimote, and start practicing.

It’s not really “of death,” but we were hoping it’d catch your attention. Joystiq has a very interesting proposition out there for all the Wii bowlers who think they’ve got the stuff BEYOND the usual 300 pin perfect game. Apparently, no one’s ever been able to score a perfect game in Wii Bowling’s Power Bowl minigame, so they want to see proof of someone maxing it out.

Their mention of it brings up the notion of prizes as well, so expect some goodies if you can follow their directions:

Can anyone out there achieve the holy grail of Wii Sports and get a perfect score in this difficult minigame? The first person to submit video evidence of the feat (without cheating!) will get a handsome Joystiq T-shirt and eternal Internet glory as their reward.

When they say without cheating, they mean without using the power bowl trick to achieve a strike on the final set of pins. That also means no machines, no switching with other people, and no greasing of the ball. In the meantime, enjoy this video of someone scoring 804 points (with cheating) on Wii Bowling, grab your Wiimote, and start practicing.

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