World of Warcraft: DragonHawk taming in seven minutes

Dragonhawk taming in seven minutes - Image 1 

An article on WoW Insider gave some tips on taming the Crazed DragonHawk in Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft. There are two problems to consider when trying to get this pet (if you’re not a Blood Elf that is): the long journey to get to them and then taming it without it eating you up.

The DragonHawk pet is well worth the effort though. (if only for the bragging rights among your alliance buds) It has medium HP, armor, and DPS – not bad for stats for a pet. It’s unique skill “Fire Breath” that the said creature comes with is pretty awesome as well. So how do you start? If you’re a lower level (ie. not at 40 or above) is is suggested that you swim from Menethil to Southshore.

Once you found your ideal starting position, unequip your equipment and die. After that start heading to North Pass Tower and look for the instance portal in Eversong Woods. Once you zone through, your body should be able to resurrect at the Fairbreeze spirit healer. Be sure to start running when you spawn since the guards will start coming to kill you. If you die, respawn your body and start running again. Keep this up till you reach the Crazed DragonHawks. Tame it and go home.

It’s pretty simple when you get down to it. After trying the said method, I’d say it works pretty fine. You’ll look like a total dork when you’re running through the city though, but the pet is worth it.

Via WoW Insider

Dragonhawk taming in seven minutes - Image 1 

An article on WoW Insider gave some tips on taming the Crazed DragonHawk in Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft. There are two problems to consider when trying to get this pet (if you’re not a Blood Elf that is): the long journey to get to them and then taming it without it eating you up.

The DragonHawk pet is well worth the effort though. (if only for the bragging rights among your alliance buds) It has medium HP, armor, and DPS – not bad for stats for a pet. It’s unique skill “Fire Breath” that the said creature comes with is pretty awesome as well. So how do you start? If you’re a lower level (ie. not at 40 or above) is is suggested that you swim from Menethil to Southshore.

Once you found your ideal starting position, unequip your equipment and die. After that start heading to North Pass Tower and look for the instance portal in Eversong Woods. Once you zone through, your body should be able to resurrect at the Fairbreeze spirit healer. Be sure to start running when you spawn since the guards will start coming to kill you. If you die, respawn your body and start running again. Keep this up till you reach the Crazed DragonHawks. Tame it and go home.

It’s pretty simple when you get down to it. After trying the said method, I’d say it works pretty fine. You’ll look like a total dork when you’re running through the city though, but the pet is worth it.

Via WoW Insider

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