Xbox 360 Release Dates From GameStop

GameStop1GameStop2Getting tired of wondering when new Xbox 360 games are coming out?

The guys over at GamersReports have hooked us up with a new list of release dates you’re looking for, straight from GameStop. Note that the near future is kinda bleak game-wise, but but the fall will rock with Gears of War and Splinter Cell: Double Agent.

As always, the dates listed are just rumors and itÂ’s not certain the titles will be available at the specified dates. However, we can hope, can’t we?

Some dates are a bit overcrowded, especially October 2nd. Ten games out on the same day? Get real.

Also, check out some new game titles on the list, like Pimp my Ride, which hasnÂ’t been announced as of yet.

GameStop1GameStop2Getting tired of wondering when new Xbox 360 games are coming out?

The guys over at GamersReports have hooked us up with a new list of release dates you’re looking for, straight from GameStop. Note that the near future is kinda bleak game-wise, but but the fall will rock with Gears of War and Splinter Cell: Double Agent.

As always, the dates listed are just rumors and itÂ’s not certain the titles will be available at the specified dates. However, we can hope, can’t we?

Some dates are a bit overcrowded, especially October 2nd. Ten games out on the same day? Get real.

Also, check out some new game titles on the list, like Pimp my Ride, which hasnÂ’t been announced as of yet.

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