Xbox 360 wins round 2, Wii to win round 3?

PsWii60William Usher over at CB games proudly declares that Sony won’t be winning Round 3 in the next-gen console war because of stock shortages. No astrological star-questioning needed. He claims that even by 2007 there still be less PS3’s on store shelves than what Nintendo sold of the Wii during the holiday season.

So who won round 2? Microsoft. Usher thought that Nintendo was supposed to win Round 2, but Microsoft came out on top again. Usher takes time to quote reports from CNBC and NPD that the PS3 is dead last in the console war with only a reported 750,00 SKUs sold. And the Wii takes a close second with 1.8 million units sold.

He notes that things may change in 2007, as Nintendo will have a full stock of Wiis ready to ship and sell, that is assuming that all goes well for the big N.

Usher believes that the software line-up of the Wii for 2007 isn’t all that hot, and a delay in the release dates of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption or Super Mario Galaxy could be costly.

As for Sony, he says that they will have to rely very heavily on software this 2007 (thank the lords for those promised titles, but will Sony be savvy and gracious enough to keep them exclusive?) to even stay in the race as the system just costs them more just to produce than they’ll make back from hardware sales. Just like the original Xbox.

Usher hopes that 2006 will be the year that the Xbox 360 gets confronted with real competition.

Via Cinema Blend.

PsWii60William Usher over at CB games proudly declares that Sony won’t be winning Round 3 in the next-gen console war because of stock shortages. No astrological star-questioning needed. He claims that even by 2007 there still be less PS3’s on store shelves than what Nintendo sold of the Wii during the holiday season.

So who won round 2? Microsoft. Usher thought that Nintendo was supposed to win Round 2, but Microsoft came out on top again. Usher takes time to quote reports from CNBC and NPD that the PS3 is dead last in the console war with only a reported 750,00 SKUs sold. And the Wii takes a close second with 1.8 million units sold.

He notes that things may change in 2007, as Nintendo will have a full stock of Wiis ready to ship and sell, that is assuming that all goes well for the big N.

Usher believes that the software line-up of the Wii for 2007 isn’t all that hot, and a delay in the release dates of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption or Super Mario Galaxy could be costly.

As for Sony, he says that they will have to rely very heavily on software this 2007 (thank the lords for those promised titles, but will Sony be savvy and gracious enough to keep them exclusive?) to even stay in the race as the system just costs them more just to produce than they’ll make back from hardware sales. Just like the original Xbox.

Usher hopes that 2006 will be the year that the Xbox 360 gets confronted with real competition.

Via Cinema Blend.

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