You’ve Reached Level 60 In World of Warcraft – Now What?


It’s an old question for those who have reached the top of their game, whether it’s World of Warcraft or tennis or something else altogether: “Where do you go from up?”

In WoW, those of you who reach the sixtieth level actually have several options during the endgame. PvP and raids are the usual places to start.  For the uninitiated, “PvP” refers to “Player vs. Player” – individual duels between yourself and another player or a “non-player character” (NPC). These contests, governed by an elaborate set of special rules, are not for everyone and definitely not for the novice. Beginners will consistently get their arses kicked and are likely to get frustrated.

As far as “raiding” goes, this is pretty much what you think it is: a chance to invade an area or a territory and take on some monster. Again, this is usually for advanced players. However, raids are not generally conducted by individuals (with good reason). It’s a nice opportunity to play in a “team” setting, and acquire loot – which, by the time you get to level 60, is really what it’s all about.

Since your character has probably acquired and honed all the skills available to him or her, the endgame in WoW focuses on acquiring the loot that will increase their ability. “Epic” armor and “epic” weapons will enable you to defeat a wide range of enemies, whether PC or NPC. It’s true that some NPCs are well-nigh invincible, but if you’ve acquired enough “loot”  consisting of high-end gear, you’ll have a sporting chance – and after all, doesn’t  part of the thrill of the game lie in the possibility of defeat? While society in general is fixated on “winning,” it’s a good bet that if you were invincible, even World of Warcraft would get pretty dull in short order.



It’s an old question for those who have reached the top of their game, whether it’s World of Warcraft or tennis or something else altogether: “Where do you go from up?”

In WoW, those of you who reach the sixtieth level actually have several options during the endgame. PvP and raids are the usual places to start.  For the uninitiated, “PvP” refers to “Player vs. Player” – individual duels between yourself and another player or a “non-player character” (NPC). These contests, governed by an elaborate set of special rules, are not for everyone and definitely not for the novice. Beginners will consistently get their arses kicked and are likely to get frustrated.

As far as “raiding” goes, this is pretty much what you think it is: a chance to invade an area or a territory and take on some monster. Again, this is usually for advanced players. However, raids are not generally conducted by individuals (with good reason). It’s a nice opportunity to play in a “team” setting, and acquire loot – which, by the time you get to level 60, is really what it’s all about.

Since your character has probably acquired and honed all the skills available to him or her, the endgame in WoW focuses on acquiring the loot that will increase their ability. “Epic” armor and “epic” weapons will enable you to defeat a wide range of enemies, whether PC or NPC. It’s true that some NPCs are well-nigh invincible, but if you’ve acquired enough “loot”  consisting of high-end gear, you’ll have a sporting chance – and after all, doesn’t  part of the thrill of the game lie in the possibility of defeat? While society in general is fixated on “winning,” it’s a good bet that if you were invincible, even World of Warcraft would get pretty dull in short order.


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