Zipper: Info on much bigger MAG update coming soon

mag_shortLooking for new information on the next patch for MAG? Jeremy Dunham’s got you covered on that as he posted a telling comment over at their official forums. More specificially, that there will be information arriving next week.









Looking for new information on the next patch for MAG? Jeremy Dunham’s got you covered on that as he posted a telling comment over at their official forums. More specificially, that there will be information arriving next week.




Dunham also promises that the next patch will be bigger and better:




“Info on our next patch will be coming out next week (but not all of it — it’s so large that it will take multiple updates to tell you about it) and info on our bigger DLC will be after that (before E3).”





That large, huh? That shouldn’t be too hard to miss.








Via [Respawn Action]




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