Crappy DGEN port for PSP Slim

PSP - Image 1Somebody’s been having a bit of fun with his new PSP Slim. Cpasjuste from our forums dropped by earlier to let us in on his Sega Genesis emulator, as inspired by the funny “contest” he saw today. He says it’s not for the money, but rather, it’s for the fun. And aren’t we all for fun?

Anyway, his Crappy DGEN port for the PSP Slim (No, we’re not bashing his work. That’s just really how he calls it) is a port of DGEN v100 by syn-k. Now, we don’t think it can be that crappy, although there are limitations to this port:

  • You can’t use compressed files, files must have *.smd or *.bin extension
  • DGEN folder must be in “mso:/PSP/GAME/” and be named DGEN

Anyhow, why don’t you guys check it out yourself? After all, you can’t go judging something by its mere name, right?

Download: Crappy DGEN Port for PSP Slim
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development Forum

PSP - Image 1Somebody’s been having a bit of fun with his new PSP Slim. Cpasjuste from our forums dropped by earlier to let us in on his Sega Genesis emulator, as inspired by the funny “contest” he saw today. He says it’s not for the money, but rather, it’s for the fun. And aren’t we all for fun?

Anyway, his Crappy DGEN port for the PSP Slim (No, we’re not bashing his work. That’s just really how he calls it) is a port of DGEN v100 by syn-k. Now, we don’t think it can be that crappy, although there are limitations to this port:

  • You can’t use compressed files, files must have *.smd or *.bin extension
  • DGEN folder must be in “mso:/PSP/GAME/” and be named DGEN

Anyhow, why don’t you guys check it out yourself? After all, you can’t go judging something by its mere name, right?

Download: Crappy DGEN Port for PSP Slim
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development Forum

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