PSP Brew 0.90 Unloaded

PSP Brew 0.90

It has been quite a while since we have given you an update about Stefano Russello‘s homebrew application, PSPBrew. For those of you who have forgotten what this does, it is a very useful tool to install, manage and edit the homebrew apps on the PSP. It’s also a good app to split a game’s eboot to install it in your 1.50 PSP.

The 0.90 version will feature a few minor bug fixes and support to the newest discoveries (like the %__SCE__), but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Apparently, the good developer, after a conversation with the guys from LTE Studios, has decided to update PSPBrew with a new function about parameters. This new feature makes possible to transform a user-friendly app to a flexible and powerful module at the developer’s command.

What happens is that once PSPBrew is installed, it will be possible using the command line to tell the PSP Brew module to install or convert an EBOOT, and with the LTE Editor it will be useful to create and transfer EBOOTs ready to be executed on the PSP after being compiled. What can we say, the app, just like a good bottle of wine, just keeps getting better and better in time. Here’s the changelog:


– Spanish language fixed
– Now hides corrupted data with __SCE__ method
– Automatic save system on Memory Stick for firmware 1.0-2.x and 1.50
– Automatic recognise if the EBOOT is the DATA.PSP instead of giving error
– It can be run from batch or command prompt with the following syntax:
pspbrew.exe /p [path eboot] /h [homebrew name] /d [dir name] /n [hide corrupted data] /u [psp unit] /f [firm 1.5] /s [hidden mode]
/p [path eboot] path source EBOOT.PBP
/h [nome homebrew] Homebrew name, if empty it doesn’t change
/d [dir name] Directory name, if empty it uses the homebrew name
/n [hide corrupted data] 1 yes 0 no
/u [psp unit] psp unit (es. e: ), if empty it searches it by itself, if it can’t find it uses one of default
/f [firm 1.5] 1 yes 0 no (1 Firmware 1.5 , 0 Firmware 1.0-2.x)
/s [hidden mode] 1 Doesn’t show any messages 0 Shows all the messages
Example: pspbrew.exe /p C:Documents and SettingsStefanoDesktopeboot.pbp /h PSPtoJOYPAD /d JOYPAD /n 1 /u G: /f 1 /s 1

On a more personal note, we would like to thank Alexmae for the heads up!

Download: [PSPBrew 0.90]

PSP Brew 0.90

It has been quite a while since we have given you an update about Stefano Russello‘s homebrew application, PSPBrew. For those of you who have forgotten what this does, it is a very useful tool to install, manage and edit the homebrew apps on the PSP. It’s also a good app to split a game’s eboot to install it in your 1.50 PSP.

The 0.90 version will feature a few minor bug fixes and support to the newest discoveries (like the %__SCE__), but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Apparently, the good developer, after a conversation with the guys from LTE Studios, has decided to update PSPBrew with a new function about parameters. This new feature makes possible to transform a user-friendly app to a flexible and powerful module at the developer’s command.

What happens is that once PSPBrew is installed, it will be possible using the command line to tell the PSP Brew module to install or convert an EBOOT, and with the LTE Editor it will be useful to create and transfer EBOOTs ready to be executed on the PSP after being compiled. What can we say, the app, just like a good bottle of wine, just keeps getting better and better in time. Here’s the changelog:


– Spanish language fixed
– Now hides corrupted data with __SCE__ method
– Automatic save system on Memory Stick for firmware 1.0-2.x and 1.50
– Automatic recognise if the EBOOT is the DATA.PSP instead of giving error
– It can be run from batch or command prompt with the following syntax:
pspbrew.exe /p [path eboot] /h [homebrew name] /d [dir name] /n [hide corrupted data] /u [psp unit] /f [firm 1.5] /s [hidden mode]
/p [path eboot] path source EBOOT.PBP
/h [nome homebrew] Homebrew name, if empty it doesn’t change
/d [dir name] Directory name, if empty it uses the homebrew name
/n [hide corrupted data] 1 yes 0 no
/u [psp unit] psp unit (es. e: ), if empty it searches it by itself, if it can’t find it uses one of default
/f [firm 1.5] 1 yes 0 no (1 Firmware 1.5 , 0 Firmware 1.0-2.x)
/s [hidden mode] 1 Doesn’t show any messages 0 Shows all the messages
Example: pspbrew.exe /p C:Documents and SettingsStefanoDesktopeboot.pbp /h PSPtoJOYPAD /d JOYPAD /n 1 /u G: /f 1 /s 1

On a more personal note, we would like to thank Alexmae for the heads up!

Download: [PSPBrew 0.90]

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