Set up a linux UPnP media server that supports the PS3

PS3 Media - Image 1 

QJ reader Andreas Heim alerts us that he wrote a how-to on his blog that instructs folks on how to set up a linux UPnP media server that has PlayStation 3 support. The how-to was made possible by the recent update for MediaTomb.

Based on how this not-that-tech-y blogger’s understanding of the how-to, you have to get MediaTomb running and then you have to make a few modifications to it to get it to work with the PS3.

Mr. Heim notes though that for now, MediaTomb only supports the PS3’s native mpeg4 format. He also notes that it all doesn’t “work out of the box” for him. For the information on the “editing” that needs to be done, and the complete how-to by Andreas, feel free to head to it using our “read” link below.

Oh, and before we go, Andreas asks that if someone figures out how to do this without the “editing” please let him know.

PS3 Media - Image 1 

QJ reader Andreas Heim alerts us that he wrote a how-to on his blog that instructs folks on how to set up a linux UPnP media server that has PlayStation 3 support. The how-to was made possible by the recent update for MediaTomb.

Based on how this not-that-tech-y blogger’s understanding of the how-to, you have to get MediaTomb running and then you have to make a few modifications to it to get it to work with the PS3.

Mr. Heim notes though that for now, MediaTomb only supports the PS3’s native mpeg4 format. He also notes that it all doesn’t “work out of the box” for him. For the information on the “editing” that needs to be done, and the complete how-to by Andreas, feel free to head to it using our “read” link below.

Oh, and before we go, Andreas asks that if someone figures out how to do this without the “editing” please let him know.

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