A heart warming tale: heroic 9 year old saves dad, might get a PS3 as reward

PlayStation 3s and trucks go so well together - Image 1 

In Portland, Oregon, a nine year old finds himself in the most unusual role of playing the hero – and this time, it’s no game. Little tyke Matty Lovo Jr. was able to take control of a runaway truck when his father, Matt Lovo, conked out cold on the wheel. We’re talking a 100,000 pound truck carrying lumber down the road here – definitely not your everyday thing that a nine year old would find himself driving, if at all.

The story goes that Matt had just gone unconscious, and at first, Matty thought his father was faking it. So, he went behind the wheel and tried to wake him up. Upon realizing the danger they were in – at that time, they had already drifted over to the wrong side of the road! – he decided to take matters in his own hands. Heroism is an instinct, even with little kids now. Matty seems to think so.

Kyra Phillips of CNN was able to have a chat with the young hero and his father, recounting how the whole ordeal went about. Matty was able to get the truck back onto the right side of the road and managed to use the C.B. radio to call for help. Luckily, another truck driver was able to give Matty some instructions to turn the key and switch off the engine. Soon enough, the truck coasted over to a stop, where someone was finally able to get the father and son out of the truck.

Here’s the interesting bit, though. Part of CNN’s segment of the report has Kyra Phillips interviewing the father and son:

Phillips: So, Matty, do you consider yourself a hero?
Matt Lovo, Jr.: Yeah.
Phillips: Yeah? And so now that you’re a hero, what’s next? What are you going to do?
Matt Lovo, Jr.: I don’t know.
Matt Lovo, Sr: He keeps telling me he thinks he needs his PlayStation 3 now for a reward.

And why not? Kids these days grow up so fast. One day they’re saving lives, then next they want PS3s.

PlayStation 3s and trucks go so well together - Image 1 

In Portland, Oregon, a nine year old finds himself in the most unusual role of playing the hero – and this time, it’s no game. Little tyke Matty Lovo Jr. was able to take control of a runaway truck when his father, Matt Lovo, conked out cold on the wheel. We’re talking a 100,000 pound truck carrying lumber down the road here – definitely not your everyday thing that a nine year old would find himself driving, if at all.

The story goes that Matt had just gone unconscious, and at first, Matty thought his father was faking it. So, he went behind the wheel and tried to wake him up. Upon realizing the danger they were in – at that time, they had already drifted over to the wrong side of the road! – he decided to take matters in his own hands. Heroism is an instinct, even with little kids now. Matty seems to think so.

Kyra Phillips of CNN was able to have a chat with the young hero and his father, recounting how the whole ordeal went about. Matty was able to get the truck back onto the right side of the road and managed to use the C.B. radio to call for help. Luckily, another truck driver was able to give Matty some instructions to turn the key and switch off the engine. Soon enough, the truck coasted over to a stop, where someone was finally able to get the father and son out of the truck.

Here’s the interesting bit, though. Part of CNN’s segment of the report has Kyra Phillips interviewing the father and son:

Phillips: So, Matty, do you consider yourself a hero?
Matt Lovo, Jr.: Yeah.
Phillips: Yeah? And so now that you’re a hero, what’s next? What are you going to do?
Matt Lovo, Jr.: I don’t know.
Matt Lovo, Sr: He keeps telling me he thinks he needs his PlayStation 3 now for a reward.

And why not? Kids these days grow up so fast. One day they’re saving lives, then next they want PS3s.

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