Behind the scenes Spider-Man 3 video

The video below is about the upcoming video game Spider-Man 3 (360, PS3, PC, Wii). What exactly about Spider-Man, you ask? Well, pretty much everything you need to know. Because you see, it is a behind-the-scenes trailer video containing snippets from the brilliant people over at Treyarch and Activision.

For example, Executive Producer Chris Archer talked about how their team came up with the concept for the new title. He shared that they reviewed the past games, movies, and even re-read the comic books. They took what’s good about them, improved them a bit, and incorporated every single one into this title.

Also, Lead Designer Chad Moore talked about the game’s graphics. According to him, the character model in Spider-Man 2 was created using 4,500 to 5000 polygons. The new title uses approximately 55,000 polygons. We really learned a lot watching this video clip so we suggest you watch it, too!

The video below is about the upcoming video game Spider-Man 3 (360, PS3, PC, Wii). What exactly about Spider-Man, you ask? Well, pretty much everything you need to know. Because you see, it is a behind-the-scenes trailer video containing snippets from the brilliant people over at Treyarch and Activision.

For example, Executive Producer Chris Archer talked about how their team came up with the concept for the new title. He shared that they reviewed the past games, movies, and even re-read the comic books. They took what’s good about them, improved them a bit, and incorporated every single one into this title.

Also, Lead Designer Chad Moore talked about the game’s graphics. According to him, the character model in Spider-Man 2 was created using 4,500 to 5000 polygons. The new title uses approximately 55,000 polygons. We really learned a lot watching this video clip so we suggest you watch it, too!

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