Ben Ward wishes free Geometric Wars for all

Geometry Wars screenshots - Image 1It seems that Bizarre Creations“>Ben Ward, Community and Web lead at Bizarre Creations, wants Geometric Wars: Retro Evolved to be free for all hardcore gamers out there. While in a perfect world this would be the case, certain restrictions have forced Bizarre to charge for the game, so they did. It’s on the Xbox Live Arcade at the lowest bracket of the XBLA price range: 400 MS Points.

The game itself is a tribute to all the shooter classics that have made their marks on retro gamers. In what was described by some as a mix of Robotron: 2084, Asteroids, and Tempest, you will control a ship which will have to shoot its way through various geometric formations to survive.

As in most retro games, you begin with the traditional three lives and standard weapon. The farther you get, the more weapons and lives you can accumulate. You get the new weapon and the ability to switch between your two weapons at the 10,000 mark.

For the 400 MS points (about US$ 5), you will get both Geometry Wars Retro and Geometry Wars Evolved.

Geometry Wars screenshots - Image 1It seems that Bizarre Creations“>Ben Ward, Community and Web lead at Bizarre Creations, wants Geometric Wars: Retro Evolved to be free for all hardcore gamers out there. While in a perfect world this would be the case, certain restrictions have forced Bizarre to charge for the game, so they did. It’s on the Xbox Live Arcade at the lowest bracket of the XBLA price range: 400 MS Points.

The game itself is a tribute to all the shooter classics that have made their marks on retro gamers. In what was described by some as a mix of Robotron: 2084, Asteroids, and Tempest, you will control a ship which will have to shoot its way through various geometric formations to survive.

As in most retro games, you begin with the traditional three lives and standard weapon. The farther you get, the more weapons and lives you can accumulate. You get the new weapon and the ability to switch between your two weapons at the 10,000 mark.

For the 400 MS points (about US$ 5), you will get both Geometry Wars Retro and Geometry Wars Evolved.

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