Bethesda plans simultaneous launch for Fallout 3

Bethesda Softworks' Todd Howard Fallout 3 - Image 1The videogaming247 blog was recently able to get hold of Todd Howard, the executive producer for Bethesda Softworks’ Fallout 3 ( Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC). Howard mentioned some interesting details about the upcoming game that fans of the series might want to know. Check out the full article for more information on this.

Bethesda Softworks' Fallout 3 - Image 1The videogaming247 blog was recently able to get hold of Fallout 3 executive producer Todd Howard, who mentioned quite a number of juicy tidbits about Bethesda Softworks’ upcoming game.

Perhaps the biggest one is that the company is planning to simultaneously release the title on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC by the third quarter of 2008.

In addition to the launch details, Howard also spoke about keeping the game faithful to the spirit of the previous games in the series – a difficult task considering the change from being a top-down RPG to a 3D first-person RPG:

The world around you and the lore of the Fallout world, it’s very important to us, and we’ve always loved it. It was that world we wanted to make come alive.

In addition, I think the basic character system of Fallout, with your SPECIAL attributes and perks, is something we’ve tried hard to maintain. It’s a great system, where you have to make hard choices and those choices really define who you’re going to be and what type of game you’re going to play.

Howard also spoke about the reported 12 different endings in the game. He admitted that the number is artificially inflated and that some of the tweaks to the ending are pretty small. Here’s what he had to say:

That number is artificially inflated, in that what you get at the very end is based on a number of things you’ve done.

Some of those tweaks to the ending are pretty small, so I think it’s better to simply say the game has multiple endings based on what you did. Some of the really big decisions that affect the end you make right at the end, but some of them deal more with your karma, and how you’ve lived your life.

While fans of the game were a bit skeptical about the new developer and expected treatment of this upcoming sequel, it looks like the game is in good hands. Still, we’re going to have to wait to see if Bethesda Softworks lives up to the expectations of the gaming community.

Buy: [Fallout 3 (PC)]
Buy: [Fallout 3 (Xbox 360)]
Buy: [Fallout 3 (PS3)]

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