Bethesda’s Hines on current development state of Fallout 3 and more

Bethesda Game Studios' Fallout 3 for PC, Xbox 360, PS3 - Image 1It seems like we have good news for fans eagerly awaiting the release of the highly anticipated sequel to the Fallout series. Bethesda Game Studios’ Pete Hines recently talked about the development process of Fallout 3 (PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3) as well as its current production state. Suffice to say, it seems like everything is still on track. Find out more about what Hines had to say in our full article.

Concept art for Bethesda Game Studios' Fallout 3 - Image 1Fans of the Fallout series are still on the edges of their seats, wondering when the next update to the long awaited sequel will arrive. Well, the wait is over as Bethesda Game Studios’ Pete Hines recently talked about the development process of Fallout 3 as well as its current production state.

Compared to Bethesda’s previous title, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Hines explained that the production period of Fallout 3 has already surpassed its predecessor well ahead of schedule. He owes this fact to the experience gained by the development team from having to work on a title on various stable consoles as well as the dynamic PC platform.

While it was previously mentioned that the world of Fallout 3 will only be around half the size of Oblivion‘s, Hines mentioned that they will be concentrating more on character interaction this time around rather than an expansive world that you can literally drown yourself in. Since they have less NPCs to play around with, the developers can focus on creating some very realistic character reactions based on the different paths the players choose to take in the game.

It definitely sounds like an ambitious project to undertake, especially if you have a decade old fan base to please. Hines isn’t intimidated by the gamers’ expectations, though. As he mentioned before, Fallout 3 was a project that they themselves as gamers wanted to enjoy playing. He hoped that the team at Bethesda would be able to create a new trend that will innovate the series and hopefully follow through in future iterations.

Hines mentioned that the development of Fallout 3 was still on track, with the game currently in its alpha testing stage. He confirmed that a simultaneous release will be delivered by Fall on the  PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Until then, make sure to drop by QJ.NET from time to time for more updates on this upcoming title.

Buy: [Fallout 3 (PS3)]
Buy: [Fallout 3 (PC)]
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