Buying a console now: Still too close to call

consoles - Image 1Most of you out there probably already have one or more next-generation game consoles, and that’s fantastic because we hear your insights all the time and we’re getting a good feel regarding the pros and cons of each console.

However, it’s a fact that the greater majority of gamers worldwide still haven’t made up their minds on which of the three boxes of wonder they’ll spend their precious savings on, and we believe there’s a good reason for that.

It’s always an option to get more than one console, but with today’s prices, the average office employee will think twice about doing so. That goes double for kids who’ll be using all their negotiation skills to beg their folks to get them a game system. Let’s not even get into the brave souls who save their lunch money to get one for themselves.

That leads us to this question: If you were to pick just one game system, what would it be and why? Let’s analyze what each machine has to offer right now to help us decide:

The Microsoft Xbox 360– In terms of quality and quantity of content, we can safely say that there’s nothing like the Xbox 360 out there today. It has the biggest collection of titles in its library and it’s going to get even bigger and better this year. If you’re a shooting game fan, it’s the platform to be in, not only because the titles here are great, but because the online play experience provided by Xbox Live is like no other. The classics in the Xbox Live Arcade are also bringing in a lot of nostalgic joy. Adding a few titles for the younger crowd could be nice, but we’re not sure if Microsoft would want it that way.

Also, Microsoft seems intent on taking away former exclusive powerhouses from Sony. We’ve seen Rockstar and Capcom go multiplatform with Grand Theft Auto IV and Devil May Cry 4, which is sure to make switching brands that much sweeter a deal for fans who jumped ship. Resident Evil 5, Too Human, Halo 3 and others are on the way, and that can only mean you’ll always be busy with hits that are in good number and whose releases are close between.

See the reasons why and why not to buy the other consoles after the jump!

consoles - Image 1Most of you out there probably already have one or more next-generation game consoles, and that’s great because we hear your insights all the time. Come to think of it, because of these comments we’re getting a good feel regarding the pros and cons of each console.

However, it’s a fact that the greater majority of gamers worldwide still haven’t made up their minds on which of the three boxes of wonder they’ll spend their precious savings on, and we believe there’s a good reason for that.

It’s always an option to get more than one console, but with today’s prices, the average office employee will think twice about doing so. That goes double for kids who’ll be using all their negotiation skills to beg their folks to get them a game system. Let’s not even get into the brave souls who save their lunch money to get one for themselves.

That leads us to this question: If you were to pick just one game system, what would it be and why? Let’s analyze what each machine has to offer right now to help us decide:

The Microsoft Xbox 360 – In terms of quality and quantity of content, we can safely say that there’s nothing like the Xbox 360 out there today. It has the biggest collection of titles in its library and it’s going to get even bigger and better this year. If you’re a shooting game fan, it’s the platform to be in, not only because the titles here are great, but because the online play experience provided by Xbox Live is like no other. The classics in the Xbox Live Arcade are also bringing in a lot of nostalgic joy. Adding a few titles for the younger crowd could be nice, but we’re not sure if Microsoft would want it that way.

Also, Microsoft seems intent on taking away former exclusive powerhouses from Sony. We’ve seen Rockstar and Capcom go multiplatform with Grand Theft Auto IV and Devil May Cry 4, which is sure to make switching brands that much sweeter a deal for fans who jumped ship. Resident Evil 5, Too Human, Halo 3 and others are on the way, and that can only mean you’ll always be busy with hits that are in good number and whose releases are close between.

Probably the only real cause for concern at this point for those who are poised to buy an Xbox 360 are reports of overheating and disc-scratching. Empirically, we haven’t experienced anything of the sort with our unit, but you never know. That’s what warranties were made for anyway. Still, it’s a great machine especially if you’re into the more mature stuff.

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The Nintendo Wii- Talk about striking gold when nobody expected it. Miyamoto and his kid-friendly gang are back with a vengeance and their Nintendo Wii is selling around the planet like there’s no tomorrow. We all know how it expanded the market with fun, easy games and  innovative controls, but the scary part is that it’s only the beginning. Third-party developers who were once wary of Nintendo’s semi-monopolistic ways in its software market are now warming up to the Kyoto-based firm for a lot of good reasons.

Nintendo has always had a tradition of uber first-party games with the Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda and Pokemon franchises. That was the case from the SNES to the GameCube, but now it’s getting the reinforcements that it needs. Capcom, THQ and other major firms have expressed their enthusiasm for the Wii, and why not? It has the most rapidly-growing owner base which essentially assures developers that there’s a big crowd that can be captured. If it makes money, it makes sense.

Critics have bashed the Wii for being a GameCube 1.5 in terms of graphics and sound prowess, but, uh, so? This only proves how ingenuous the Nintendo paradigm really is. Even though it didn’t join the arms race of the console war, it made sure that the games and hardware would give the players the fun factor that makes or breaks platforms. The gamers, young and old, got their fun, and now Nintendo is on top of the heap.

So, should you get it? With a $250 tag, dynamic controls and quality content, do so by all means. However, if you’re the hardcore type and you’re looking for eye-popping visuals where you blast demons with a handheld nuclear device, you might not find it here. Still, Metroid Prime 3 is coming, and Samus just might convince you to stick around.

Nintendo Wii - Image 1 Nintendo Wii - Image 2 Nintendo Wii - Image 3 Nintendo Wii - Image 4 

The Sony PlayStation 3– It’s undeniable that the dominance of the PSX and the PS2 have left a lot of fans hanging in there for more. That explains why the technological powerhouse Sony PlayStation 3 had so much hype surrounding it. The PS3 has been touted by haters as quite possibly the biggest flop in gaming history, but we say that’s a very premature conclusion in the very least.

If anything, the PS3 is a giant that’s yet to fully awaken. Big games are yet to come out and the full power of the Cell Processor and Sixaxis controller are still undemonstrated. If Resistance: Fall of Man and MotorStorm are any indication, the decade left for the PS3’s run will be very exciting.

Exclusives may have crossed platform borders lately, but the fact of the matter is that Sony still has some mean franchises all its own. God of War, Ratchet and Clank, Final Fantasy, and Metal Gear Solid are hanging on. These are bona fide console-sellers, and we could be looking at merely a slow start for the platform.


One thing it has to its advantage is the fact that there has been little to no reports of serious hardware failures from users. The online scene doesn’t seem too shabby, too. The PlayStation Home world is looking cool, and we can’t wait to see it fly. The price point is stiff at $ 600, but if it’ll last for a decade and Blu-ray eventually wins the format war, then by all means this should be worth it. Can you imagine what will happen by the time HD TVs come to their age?

Sony PS3 - Image 1 Sony PS3 - Image 2 Sony PS3 - Image 3 Sony PS3 - Image 4 

The Verdict: It sounds cheesy, and a little gutless even, but when you really look at it without fanboy emotions running, there’s really a lot of nice, distinct attributes that each console has to offer. At this point, it’s too close to call who will eventually win the war but we can help you choose one if we rationalize your gaming needs and judge each system according to what it gives you.

Think of your age group, the genre that you dig most and the orientation of games that you’ve been craving for. Next, think of what you need more: Something different or something that significantly improves what you had the last time you bought a console. Are you willing to leave exclusive games behind if you jump ship? Are you a hardcore player or more of a weekend warrior? What’s more important, money or happiness? That sorta stuff.

If you have some clear answers right now, you should be able to figure it out in a day or two. If you don’t, there’s no shame in waiting some more. There’s nothing wrong with still rocking with your PS2, Xbox or GameCube today. Six months to one year should give us a better feel of  which platform will dominate, but even that is not the be all and end all of gaming. So what if your console of choice ends up second or third? As long as you’re happy, it’s all good.

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