Category: iPhone

iPhone homebrew – gpSPhone v3.0.0 beta

It’s been awhile, but ZodTTD has finally released an update for gpSPhone, a GBA emulator for the Apple iPhone. Good news, good news. Thing is,...

iPhone homebrew – MCallShow 1.2

MCallShow, an iPhone app that shows you where an incoming call is coming from, has been updated to version 1.2. More country databases have been...

iPhone Homebrew – Installer 4.0b9

The RiP Dev team resuscitates the Installer homebrew apps for your iPhone after quite a while of inactivity. Expect more updates coming your way as...

iPhone homebrew – dTunes v2.6.1

It looks like developer Richard Shearman has released another update for dTunes. This info wasn’t included in the dev’s post when we reported about dTunes...