Category: Off Topic

QJ Asks: What kills you in MMOs?

  Lowbies and newbies do it often. For hardcore raiders, it happens a lot. It’s an inescapable fact of life in the MMO world whether...

Scholo run still needed for mounts

  There are certain rites of passage in life such as your first kiss, getting married, and your first kid. Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft is...

WoW Guild Eyeballers recruiting all classes

  TBC horde guild EYEBALLERS on Magtheridon EU is currently recruiting all classes in their hope to become “one of the fastest progressing guilds.” They...

Petopia gives the skinny on Pets in 2.1

In Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft, pets are as common as swords, daggers or scantily clad elves tossing fireballs. Ok, scratch the last part, but it’s...