Category: Previews

Rogue Trooper Screenshots

Based on the 2000AD comic strip, this third-person shooter action game is going to have versions released to the Xbox, PS2 and PC. Rogue Trooper...

SUN Gearing Up for Invasion

The popular Korean MMO Soul of the Ultimate Nation (SUN) is scheduled to be released sometime this year in Europe and in the US. SUN...

Rise of Legends Newest Screenshots

First of all, you shouldn’t confuse Rise of Legends with Rise of Nations II. Because this isn’t the sequel. Rise of Legends has a very...

Take a Look at the Changes at Horizons

Changes are happening over at the Horizons’ Community starting off with their new look. Great way to start listing down what they’ve accomplished so far...

Hero’s Journey Class Design Revealed

Designer Stephanie Shaver shares her thoughts on some of the classes of the upcoming MMORPG, Hero’s Journey. Some gamers just like to stick with one...

New Screenshots for Gods and Heroes

New screenshots for Gods and Heroes have been released for your viewing pleasure. “Gods and Heroes: Rome Rising is set in the early days of...

Red Hot Preview: Hellfire Citadel

On The Burning Crusade, WoWÂ’s upcoming expansion, Hellfire Citadel is one of the new dungeons on Hellfire Peninsula. According to the tourist brochure Hellfire Citadel...