Category: PlayStation 3

Sub $400 price tag for the PS3?

A rumor has just hit the wireless courtesy of an EB Games employee that the console will retail for $389. How could this be? Apparently...

Ratchet and Clank On PS3

Insomniac Games President Ted Price showed a trailer for his team’s new project for the PS3…*drum roll*…Ratchet and Clank! Yes, the game that everyone thought...

GDC : Playstation 3 Tech Demos

Sony spent alot of time at the Game Developers Conference showing off technology demos for the Playstation 3 console. Some have been shown prior at...

In-game-advertising on the Playstation 3?

Uh-oh…while the “region free PS3 games” announcement was an unexpected but nice gesture by Sony, this one could turn out to be the downside. And...

PS3 Worldwide Launch Novemeber 2006

At the Game Developers Business Conference 2006: Keynote from Sony President stated Firm Launch of November 2006 for Japan & America. Also showcased demonstrations of...

SingStar Sings its Way to PS3

Banking on the success of the Singstar franchise in Europe, Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios President Phil Harrison introduced a PS3 version of Singstar ,...