Cuboid all shaped up for PSN release tomorrow

Cuboid - Image 1Creat Studios and TikGames are happy to announce that Cuboid, the stunning 3D puzzle game, is arriving on the PSN tomorrow. Here, you maneuver a rectangular block through mystical exits, with 22 distinct levels and increasing difficulty and complexity that will surely push you to get those brain cells working.

Cuboid - Image 1Creat Studios and TikGames are happy to announce that Cuboid, the stunning 3D puzzle game, is arriving on the PSN tomorrow. Here, you maneuver a rectangular block through mystical exits, with 22 distinct levels and increasing difficulty and complexity that will surely push you to get those brain cells working.

No, it’s not just a matter of rolling a block from one end to the goal. You have to be able to effectively use the tools and the environment efficiently. The switches, for one, are there to move certain tile panels which will invariably affect your strategy. Map your plan on how to approach them carefully, because there are some that can only be activated when the Cuboid is vertical.

There are also those weak tiles that can crash or break, taking you down with it – obviously not to your favor. Then there are also Splitter Teleports, which, as the name suggests, splits your Cuboid. There’s a lot more in store, so for a clearer picture, why don’t you check out the video we’ve embedded for you below?

On a personal note, I would like to have Intelligent Qube(I.Q.) from PS1 be brought to the PSN as well. That’s another wicked puzzle game.

Cuboid is coming tomorrow and will be priced at US$ 9.99.

Via PlayStation US Blog

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