Dark AleX leaving PSP scene for good?

Dark AleX quits PSP scene - Image 1We have to say that we are still stunned and unconvinced by this development. We’re not saying that it isn’t true. What we are just saying is that we couldn’t believe it ourselves. On the official website of the great homebrew developer Dark AleX, we found this,

Bye, scene.

I’ve decided to cease OE development, and leave PSP scene. The reasons are various. One of them is the time it consumes, which I’m losing from other things. The other is related to my security. I didn’t like Sony menaces to PS3 hackers. I think it is better to leave now rather than end paying the consequences.

The last time we heard, DAX was skipping FW 3.50 and is working on FW 3.51. We looked around the Internet and various sites mentioned that the news was confirmed to them personally by Dark AleX himself. We don’t know what really happened with him and Sony but DAX added that he is avoiding future legal issues with the company.

Dark AleX will surely be missed because of his great contributions to the homebrew community. With all the things he did, maybe the least thing we can do is send our messages of good faith to him. From QJ.NET, good luck DAX on whatever future endeavor you wish to pursue. Thank you for the time you spent with the PSP community.

Thanks to everybody who sent in tips!

Dark AleX quits PSP scene - Image 1We have to say that we are still stunned and unconvinced by this development. We’re not saying that it isn’t true. What we are just saying is that we couldn’t believe it ourselves. On the official website of the great homebrew developer Dark AleX, we found this,

Bye, scene.

I’ve decided to cease OE development, and leave PSP scene. The reasons are various. One of them is the time it consumes, which I’m losing from other things. The other is related to my security. I didn’t like Sony menaces to PS3 hackers. I think it is better to leave now rather than end paying the consequences.

The last time we heard, DAX was skipping FW 3.50 and is working on FW 3.51. We looked around the Internet and various sites mentioned that the news was confirmed to them personally by Dark AleX himself. We don’t know what really happened with him and Sony but DAX added that he is avoiding future legal issues with the company.

Dark AleX will surely be missed because of his great contributions to the homebrew community. With all the things he did, maybe the least thing we can do is send our messages of good faith to him. From QJ.NET, good luck DAX on whatever future endeavor you wish to pursue. Thank you for the time you spent with the PSP community.

Thanks to everybody who sent in tips!

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