PSPLINK Updated to 1.1

PSPLinkDevelopers would be very happy to know that there have been significant progress made on the v.1.1 release of their favorite application by TyRaNiD, the PSPLink. It is a very helpful tool for developers to make their homebrew on using C/C++. Since you can make updates on your eboots while the application is running, it will save you a lot of precious dev time. TyRaNiD warns that it is still a work in progress so each should treat it as such. So, far it only works for FW 1.0 and FW 1.5.

If you want to know more about PSPLink or on PSP development in general and in the proximity of Helsinki/Finland, you might want to drop by in the Assembly scheduled on August 3-6, 2006.


  • Ability to reboot psplink into a different operating mode (i.e. game, vsh or updater) and have it persist.
  • Ability to run usbhostfs_pc as a daemon, when in this mode the shell is lost but you can send commands to it by passing commands from pcterm prefixed with ‘@’
  • Ability to use multiple PSPs on the same PC over USB by setting the product ID on the PSP and on usbhostfs_pc instance
  • Added a new tool to dump kprintf output via the normal printf channels.
  • Readded tab completion to pcterm, only tab completes local filenames and directories but can be useful if pcterm is running in the same directory as the mounted host.

Download: [PSPLink 1.1]

Via ps2dev

PSPLinkDevelopers would be very happy to know that there have been significant progress made on the v.1.1 release of their favorite application by TyRaNiD, the PSPLink. It is a very helpful tool for developers to make their homebrew on using C/C++. Since you can make updates on your eboots while the application is running, it will save you a lot of precious dev time. TyRaNiD warns that it is still a work in progress so each should treat it as such. So, far it only works for FW 1.0 and FW 1.5.

If you want to know more about PSPLink or on PSP development in general and in the proximity of Helsinki/Finland, you might want to drop by in the Assembly scheduled on August 3-6, 2006.


  • Ability to reboot psplink into a different operating mode (i.e. game, vsh or updater) and have it persist.
  • Ability to run usbhostfs_pc as a daemon, when in this mode the shell is lost but you can send commands to it by passing commands from pcterm prefixed with ‘@’
  • Ability to use multiple PSPs on the same PC over USB by setting the product ID on the PSP and on usbhostfs_pc instance
  • Added a new tool to dump kprintf output via the normal printf channels.
  • Readded tab completion to pcterm, only tab completes local filenames and directories but can be useful if pcterm is running in the same directory as the mounted host.

Download: [PSPLink 1.1]

Via ps2dev

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