Dead Space 2 details galore: new guns, new foes, new location

dead-space-2-thumbRely on Horror has the skinny on Dead Space 2 thanks to a subscriber’s copy of the new Game Informer. There’s a whole load of info here, so may want to go grab a snack first.




Rely on Horror has the skinny on Dead Space 2 thanks to a subscriber’s copy of the new Game Informer. There’s a whole load of info here, so may want to go grab a snack first.


Dead Space 2 will take place three years after the events in the first game. The action moves to a large space station called Sprawl, an “organic, haphazardly constructed, long-term place that’s built around the remaining shards of one of Saturn’s moon-The first planet-crack ever.”


Like any city, it has residential areas, shopping malls, and schools. Needless to say, Sprawl is big, and it makes the Ishimura look tiny by comparison. It’s in this huge area that a necromoprh outbreak is happening, and since Isaac happens to be the only guy around who knows how to deal with them, he’s stuck in the frontlines.


The necromoprhs running around Sprawl are a mix of old and new, and this time around they’re going to be smarter. Some of the new ones mentioned are dead naked children with no lips, a tentacled man with his esophagus hanging out his mouth, and packs of Stalkers — fast predators that distract and ambush you.


Isaac in Dead Space 2 basically comes across as the outer space version of the One Free Man. Surviving the Ishimura incident has made people start looking towards him as a savior of sorts. His judgment’s not exactly going to be on the ball all the time, though. His mind’s been twisted by the events in the first game, blurring the lines between reality and madness a bit. Oh, and the biggest thing differentiating Isaac from Mr. Freeman is he’s actually got speaking parts in this one.


Visceral is also making it so the upgrades and customizations for his suit are more varied and visually different. The Plasma Cutter’s still in there, and although Visceral isn’t nerfing it, they’re making the new weapons more awesome so that players won’t have to stick to the already-awesome Plasma Cutter all throughout the game. Controls have also been refined so Isaac moves and maneuvers better.


Oh, and multiplayer has also been confirmed. Visceral isn’t saying anything about it apart from it letting players “strategically dismember your friends.” Some kind of humans-versus-necromorphs deal, perhaps?


There’s a whole lot more info you can check out at the source.



Via [Rely on Horror]

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