Death Jr. and The Science Fair of Doom Screens

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Death Jr. and The Science Fair of Doom was announced at E3 this year by Konami although news of its creation had been haunting the web since April. The first Death Jr. was for the PSP and this game looks to be a spin off of the series. In this title you will have two playable characters, Death Jr and Pandora. While more information about the game is not available right now a leaked release date might point to a October 11th launch. Go ahead and check out the early thumbnails below and let us know what you think about Death Jr. and his pals crashing the DS.

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dj - Image 1 dj - Image 2

Death Jr. and The Science Fair of Doom was announced at E3 this year by Konami although news of its creation had been haunting the web since April. The first Death Jr. was for the PSP and this game looks to be a spin off of the series. In this title you will have two playable characters, Death Jr and Pandora. While more information about the game is not available right now a leaked release date might point to a October 11th launch. Go ahead and check out the early thumbnails below and let us know what you think about Death Jr. and his pals crashing the DS.

dj - Image 1 dj - Image 2

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