Free Shadowbane!

Free ShadowbaneThere is a serious error in the Shadowbane Billing System…. No wait can it be true.
Shadowbane is now completely free to play. So don’t go calling tech support thinking there’s error. This is not a free trail offer it is a permanent status. You can even create a new account and play for free. Just create a new account and then Add a new subscription with that you will receive free access to Lands of Aerynth.

It almost makes you want to play again doesn’t it?

Free ShadowbaneThere is a serious error in the Shadowbane Billing System…. No wait can it be true.
Shadowbane is now completely free to play. So don’t go calling tech support thinking there’s error. This is not a free trail offer it is a permanent status. You can even create a new account and play for free. Just create a new account and then Add a new subscription with that you will receive free access to Lands of Aerynth.

It almost makes you want to play again doesn’t it?

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