Gas Powered Games working on consoles alright: no PS3 title in sight yet

Gas Powered Games' Chris Taylor - Image 1Now THQ‘s rock star of the game industry, Chris Taylor, did reveal that Gas Powered Games was already at work on console titles for the next-gen and new-gen consoles. They weren’t named, nor were there any target platforms identified either, but in another interview with Games Industry, at least they gave us a number.

“Five.” Taylor and his army of devs have five titles brewing in their pots and their projects are spread “across platforms.” Four of those titles are being completed in-house, plus an extra project that they have in the works. “We have everything from 360 to Wii to PC, we have all kinds of stuff going on,” said the DICE 07 preacher.

Okay that’s five projects for three platforms, but what about the PlayStation 3? Taylor said, “We haven’t actually been working on the PS3.” Or they probably haven’t started yet. He also said that “he heard” the PlayStation 3 was a bit more complex to develop games for just to “squeeze out the perf.”

But latching on to what he said earlier about easier game development in consoles, he also mentioned that the tech issue isn’t a problem with smart engineers. And since he claims Gas Powered Games has got “some incredibly smart people” in the ranks, the challenge for developing on the PS3 won’t be as difficult as what he heard from other people.

Now if only he could get around to revealing what the titles are…

Via Games Industry

Gas Powered Games' Chris Taylor - Image 1Now THQ‘s rock star of the game industry, Chris Taylor, did reveal that Gas Powered Games was already at work on console titles for the next-gen and new-gen consoles. They weren’t named, nor were there any target platforms identified either, but in another interview with Games Industry, at least they gave us a number.

“Five.” Taylor and his army of devs have five titles brewing in their pots and their projects are spread “across platforms.” Four of those titles are being completed in-house, plus an extra project that they have in the works. “We have everything from 360 to Wii to PC, we have all kinds of stuff going on,” said the DICE 07 preacher.

Okay that’s five projects for three platforms, but what about the PlayStation 3? Taylor said, “We haven’t actually been working on the PS3.” Or they probably haven’t started yet. He also said that “he heard” the PlayStation 3 was a bit more complex to develop games for just to “squeeze out the perf.”

But latching on to what he said earlier about easier game development in consoles, he also mentioned that the tech issue isn’t a problem with smart engineers. And since he claims Gas Powered Games has got “some incredibly smart people” in the ranks, the challenge for developing on the PS3 won’t be as difficult as what he heard from other people.

Now if only he could get around to revealing what the titles are…

Via Games Industry

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