Generate Engrish sentences with SRSG v0.1

SRSG v0.1 was coded by Psyberjock - Image 1

There’s this phenomenon known as “Engrish”. You know, those humorous English mistakes one can usually find in Japanese or Chinese advertising and product design. Homebrew developer Psyberjock decided to make a generator of the same for the PlayStation Portable.

Called Simple Random Sentence Generator or SRSG, the program creates random sentences from word lists and sentence patterns. This is the first version of the program and the developer noted that there are several things that have to be fixed first. For one, SRSG doesn’t have a large word bank yet.

Psyberjock added that it may take time to to find the really funny lines because the program has not been streamlined yet meaning there are too many words in too few categories. One noteworthy feature is SRSG’s Favorites option allowing users to save their favorite funny lines.

Lastly, the developer said that this version 0.1 requires LuaPlayer to run is open for modification from other coders.

Download: SRSG v0.1

Via DCEmu

SRSG v0.1 was coded by Psyberjock - Image 1

There’s this phenomenon known as “Engrish”. You know, those humorous English mistakes one can usually find in Japanese or Chinese advertising and product design. Homebrew developer Psyberjock decided to make a generator of the same for the PlayStation Portable.

Called Simple Random Sentence Generator or SRSG, the program creates random sentences from word lists and sentence patterns. This is the first version of the program and the developer noted that there are several things that have to be fixed first. For one, SRSG doesn’t have a large word bank yet.

Psyberjock added that it may take time to to find the really funny lines because the program has not been streamlined yet meaning there are too many words in too few categories. One noteworthy feature is SRSG’s Favorites option allowing users to save their favorite funny lines.

Lastly, the developer said that this version 0.1 requires LuaPlayer to run is open for modification from other coders.

Download: SRSG v0.1

Via DCEmu

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