Heavenly Sword Demo now out

Heavenly Sword Demo now out - Image 1 

The demo for Heavenly Sword is now out on the PlayStation Network. It’s a whopping 996 MB to download, and can already be found on the featured page.

For those unfamiliar with this title, the game revolves around heroine Nariko who is on a quest for vengeance against an invading King. It slowly transitions into a story about the ancient Heavenly Sword that grants great power, but that same power consumes any mortal wielding it.

The demo opens up with a nice video, then you get to control Nariko in a pair of battles. The developers have done a good job with this one, leaving gamers (including myself) wanting more. The tips that were left by the developers in their blog were very helpful in getting through the demo, so you might want to go over that while downloading the game.

So what are you waiting for, head to the PSN and give this one a go!

Heavenly Sword Demo now out - Image 1 

The demo for Heavenly Sword is now out on the PlayStation Network. It’s a whopping 996 MB to download, and can already be found on the featured page.

For those unfamiliar with this title, the game revolves around heroine Nariko who is on a quest for vengeance against an invading King. It slowly transitions into a story about the ancient Heavenly Sword that grants great power, but that same power consumes any mortal wielding it.

The demo opens up with a nice video, then you get to control Nariko in a pair of battles. The developers have done a good job with this one, leaving gamers (including myself) wanting more. The tips that were left by the developers in their blog were very helpful in getting through the demo, so you might want to go over that while downloading the game.

So what are you waiting for, head to the PSN and give this one a go!

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