Heavy Rain DLC lets you play as the Origami Killer

heavy-rain-origami-thumbDavid Cage, the brains behind the heavily-anticipated PS3 exclusive, Heavy Rain, has shed some light on developer Quantic Dream’s DLC plans.





David Cage, the brains behind the heavily-anticipated Heavy Rain, has shed some light on developer Quantic Dream’s DLC plans.


One of the downloadable Chronicles will reportedly let players step into the shoes of the Origami Killer. Cage recently explained to gameblog.fr that this particular Chronicle will let players uncover the Origami Killer became a murderer.


Another Chronicle focuses on FBI profiler Norman Jayden and deals with where and how he got his scar and how he became addicted to the prescription drug Triptocaine.


This brings the Chronicle count to three, including the one starring Madison Paige which comes bundled with the game’s special edition. Nothing has been said so far regarding similar Chronicles for the game’s two other characters. Each downloadable Chronicle will be roughly an hour long and will serve as prequels to the characters in Heavy Rain.




Via [Eurogamer]

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