iPhone Homebrew – Gazette 1.0.4: native Google Reader for iPhone
Version 1.0.4 is out for Matt Rajca’s (aka Matt342) native Google Reader for iPhone, Gazette. This release is the final update to v1.0 and you can expect v2.0 to come out after this one. For more info, head on to our full article after the jump.
Download: Gazette 1.0.4
If you’re always on the go but cannot afford to not be updated with what’s going on with the rest of the worldwideweb, then you might as well try this application from Matt342, the Gazette 1.0.4.
Gazette 1.0.4 is a Google Reader for iPhone and is intended to be the final update to version 1.0 before 2.0 comes out. This brew sports a similar user interface as that with the official Reader released by Apple.
Apart from allowing you to star your favorite articles with ease, as well as share links to your friends via the Google Reader or email, you may also take advantage of the Gazette’s offline capabilities even when there’s no network in range.
This app is downloadable from iTunes, while you can get in touch with the developer or know more about this project here.
Download: Gazette 1.0.4