Karraker: Damned if we do, damned if we don’t

PS3: battling it out - Image 1USA Today ran an article on the current status of Sony‘s PlayStation 3 and how it is holding up in the market. From the statistics, the daily has concluded that the PS3 “has gone from top dog to underdog in record time.”

Inevitably, and almost expectedly, the PS3 numbers have been compared with that of the Wii’s, since they were both released within the same week. The ratio, as it stands, is two to one, with Nintendo‘s Wii being the bigger seller. Newsweek‘s N’Gai Croal opines that kind of performance for Sony “is simply abysmal.”

Some of the factors being pointed at as being responsible for this trend would be the high PS3 cost, the negative rumors, the “FUD factor” (fear, uncertainty and doubt), as well as the lack of sufficient triple-A software titles. Now these things aren’t exactly new. We’ve heard this before, and so have we heard for many countless times already how various Sony officials and spokespersons have risen up to the defense of the PS3.

But to be more succinct about it, SCEA‘s Dave Karraker has this to say about this whole hullabaloo: “I chuckle when you say we are in trouble, because when you couldn’t find them on shelves, some said we were in trouble. So we’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t.”

In fairness to him, he does make a fairly square point. So cut them some slack, guys. Given that there may have been certain offshoots as to how they played this one out, what’s important is that they’re not sitting this one out on the bench and resigning themselves to doom.

Besides, it’s still way too early to go about concluding who’s the underdog in this field.

Via USA Today

PS3: battling it out - Image 1USA Today ran an article on the current status of Sony‘s PlayStation 3 and how it is holding up in the market. From the statistics, the daily has concluded that the PS3 “has gone from top dog to underdog in record time.”

Inevitably, and almost expectedly, the PS3 numbers have been compared with that of the Wii’s, since they were both released within the same week. The ratio, as it stands, is two to one, with Nintendo‘s Wii being the bigger seller. Newsweek‘s N’Gai Croal opines that kind of performance for Sony “is simply abysmal.”

Some of the factors being pointed at as being responsible for this trend would be the high PS3 cost, the negative rumors, the “FUD factor” (fear, uncertainty and doubt), as well as the lack of sufficient triple-A software titles. Now these things aren’t exactly new. We’ve heard this before, and so have we heard for many countless times already how various Sony officials and spokespersons have risen up to the defense of the PS3.

But to be more succinct about it, SCEA‘s Dave Karraker has this to say about this whole hullabaloo: “I chuckle when you say we are in trouble, because when you couldn’t find them on shelves, some said we were in trouble. So we’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t.”

In fairness to him, he does make a fairly square point. So cut them some slack, guys. Given that there may have been certain offshoots as to how they played this one out, what’s important is that they’re not sitting this one out on the bench and resigning themselves to doom.

Besides, it’s still way too early to go about concluding who’s the underdog in this field.

Via USA Today

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