Konami Gamer’s Day 2008 unveils five new Silent Hill: Homecoming videos
Konami has released a bunch of new gameplay videos for Silent Hill: Homecomingg (PS3, Xbox 360) as part of their Gamer’s Day event. Aside from revealing some extra plot points, the videos also give us an idea of what sort of fighting skills Shepard can bring to bear. The videos are available for viewing in the full article.
Lack of recent gameplay clips for Silent Hill: Homecoming (PS3, Xbox 360) getting you down? Don’t worry – Konami‘s decided to remedy the drought with a couple of new videos, presented over at their Gamer’s Day event.
They’re serious about making up for lost time too – available for viewing a five new flicks, showcasing some of the moves that Alex Shepherd will need to muster up if he’s to survive his homecoming. Also making their appearance are the nurses, and the debut of the Demon Dogs and Big Bugs.
The videos are available for viewing are: Take Your Medicine, The Plot Thickens, Early Grave, Demon Dog Gameplay, and Big Bugs. Enjoy your viewing, and be sure to drop by again in case we run into any more related news.