Mark Rein: No Gears of War for PC

We hope this puts an end to the issue.

Sorry folks, but it seems that Mark Rein himself has already spoken out and put a stop to the rumors which stated that the popular Xbox 360 title, Gears of War, may be ported over to the PC.

Mark Rein says “No”.

Well, he didn’t actually say “No”, but he did explain how all the ruckus happened, particularly the part where people spotted a line of script in an Nvidia driver which got everyone’s hopes up.

According to Rein, during the first E3 demo which they did a couple of years back, the demo was “done on an PC equipped with dual NVIDIA graphics cards. That was how we simulated the power of Xbox 360 before there was actually a real Xbox 360 to run on”. He then goes on to say that it was necessary for them to provide a copy of the file “wargame.exe”, along with sample content from Gears of War to NVIDIA “so they could help us tweak Unreal Engine 3 performance and reliability on NVIDIA graphics chips”.

So to settle things once and for all, he says that,

…in reality the only thing this supposed “leak” demonstrates is that we work closely with NVIDIA to ensure the best possible performance for our engine on their platforms. Ditto for ATI and other graphics vendors as well.

So there.

We hope this puts an end to the issue.

Sorry folks, but it seems that Mark Rein himself has already spoken out and put a stop to the rumors which stated that the popular Xbox 360 title, Gears of War, may be ported over to the PC.

Mark Rein says “No”.

Well, he didn’t actually say “No”, but he did explain how all the ruckus happened, particularly the part where people spotted a line of script in an Nvidia driver which got everyone’s hopes up.

According to Rein, during the first E3 demo which they did a couple of years back, the demo was “done on an PC equipped with dual NVIDIA graphics cards. That was how we simulated the power of Xbox 360 before there was actually a real Xbox 360 to run on”. He then goes on to say that it was necessary for them to provide a copy of the file “wargame.exe”, along with sample content from Gears of War to NVIDIA “so they could help us tweak Unreal Engine 3 performance and reliability on NVIDIA graphics chips”.

So to settle things once and for all, he says that,

…in reality the only thing this supposed “leak” demonstrates is that we work closely with NVIDIA to ensure the best possible performance for our engine on their platforms. Ditto for ATI and other graphics vendors as well.

So there.

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