Miss Spider: Harvest Time Hop and Fly

MissSpiderAs some of our gamers probably have kids of their own, may we recommend that those kids also have games of their own as well, and starting today they can add this one to their collection.

Harvest Time Hop and Fly is The Game Factory‘s latest addition to the popular Nintendo Miss Spider games for young children. Based on the popular children’s books by author and illustrator David Kirk, the Miss Spider games are very kid-friendly featuring “family values,” fun, and adventure.

In HTHaF, young players help Miss Spider, her husband Holley, and their “buggy bunch of kids” in making preparations for the impending winter. (One thinks if she has a husband, it should be “Mrs.” Spider, and anyway, don’t female spiders kill the male after mating? Oh, well – suspend your disbelief.) The object of the game is to help Miss Spider and her kids collect fruits and fill up the Fruit-O-Meter using each characterÂ’s unique skills to maneuver through various obstacles.

A good mix of exploration, puzzles and platform jumping ensure long-lasting playability, and graphics and sound are faithful to Kirk’s Sunny Patch world.

Via Play-Asia.com

MissSpiderAs some of our gamers probably have kids of their own, may we recommend that those kids also have games of their own as well, and starting today they can add this one to their collection.

Harvest Time Hop and Fly is The Game Factory‘s latest addition to the popular Nintendo Miss Spider games for young children. Based on the popular children’s books by author and illustrator David Kirk, the Miss Spider games are very kid-friendly featuring “family values,” fun, and adventure.

In HTHaF, young players help Miss Spider, her husband Holley, and their “buggy bunch of kids” in making preparations for the impending winter. (One thinks if she has a husband, it should be “Mrs.” Spider, and anyway, don’t female spiders kill the male after mating? Oh, well – suspend your disbelief.) The object of the game is to help Miss Spider and her kids collect fruits and fill up the Fruit-O-Meter using each characterÂ’s unique skills to maneuver through various obstacles.

A good mix of exploration, puzzles and platform jumping ensure long-lasting playability, and graphics and sound are faithful to Kirk’s Sunny Patch world.

Via Play-Asia.com

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