NBA Live 08 to have over 20,000 lines of audio commentary

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Electronic Arts is really trying to outdo itself with NBA Live 08. The developers are taking realism up a notch in the game, making it feel even more like a live broadcast of an NBA game with over 20,000 lines of speech from commenters Marv Albert and Steve Kerr.

To really capture the feel of a live NBA game, the developers had Albert and Kerr record their lines without scripts, ad-libbing their comments just as they would do in a live game. This preserves the spontaneity – not to mention flaws: the commenters will also be stumbling in their speech sometimes – of a live commentary.

To preserve authenticity, Albert and Kerr have also recorded 800 lines of player-specific comments for 130 players in the game. The lines will be played in the game when a specific player does a specific move (even their own signature shots) so players won’t be hearing ambiguous lines referring to players who could be anybody. The commenters will really be specifying who is who in the game.

Another move for authenticity is the game’s new default camera is no longer the baseline camera but rather a sideline camera, like the ones you see on a live broadcast. The change of default angles is to immerse players more into the game, but the baseline angle is still available.

Watch out for NBA Live 08 as it is released for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, PSP and PC on October 2.


NBA Live 08 - Image 1 

Electronic Arts is really trying to outdo itself with NBA Live 08. The developers are taking realism up a notch in the game, making it feel even more like a live broadcast of an NBA game with over 20,000 lines of speech from commenters Marv Albert and Steve Kerr.

To really capture the feel of a live NBA game, the developers had Albert and Kerr record their lines without scripts, ad-libbing their comments just as they would do in a live game. This preserves the spontaneity – not to mention flaws: the commenters will also be stumbling in their speech sometimes – of a live commentary.

To preserve authenticity, Albert and Kerr have also recorded 800 lines of player-specific comments for 130 players in the game. The lines will be played in the game when a specific player does a specific move (even their own signature shots) so players won’t be hearing ambiguous lines referring to players who could be anybody. The commenters will really be specifying who is who in the game.

Another move for authenticity is the game’s new default camera is no longer the baseline camera but rather a sideline camera, like the ones you see on a live broadcast. The change of default angles is to immerse players more into the game, but the baseline angle is still available.

Watch out for NBA Live 08 as it is released for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, PSP and PC on October 2.


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