Nintendo: Alone in the Next-gen Console Wars?

Wii to War!

There was a time when the word Nintendo was on every kid’s lips. It was the early days of gaming, and the SNES was way ahead of the pack – the standard. Then came Sony‘s Playstation and the rest is history. Now the war combatants are mainly Microsoft and Sony.

Nintendo has pretty much weathered the storm and focused more on game mobility and family-based games. With the coming of Wii, is this the ‘Return of the King’? As with every king, there must be a champion, one who will go out into the world and proclaim his allegiance. There seems to be a possible candidate, and he’s American…American McGee.

Just who is American McGee? He is the level designer of some of the greatest games ever designed: Quake, Doom, and others. He’s also been involved in the movie adaptation of his “Alice” game.

Okay on to the “comment.”

According to McGee, “Wii is the only true next-gen console.” This statement alone has re-ignited the dying embers of the game console wars among gamers. McGee goes on to say that Sony and Microsoft are just “in it for the money,” adding that while Nintendo was trying out new things and attracting non-hardcore gamers into the fold, Sony and Microsoft just pumped up their consoles to do the same things – only with better and faster graphics and sounds.

Is Nintendo the only one who truly cares about us gamers, by introducing new, innovative ways to make the game special? Is Sony and Microsoft just stabbing each other in the neck? There seems to be quite a lot of questions regarding this issue. How do you define innovation? How do you know whether the company’s “just in it for the money?

Ironic, that his next game, Bad Day LA will be coming out on Xbox. Oops!


Wii to War!

There was a time when the word Nintendo was on every kid’s lips. It was the early days of gaming, and the SNES was way ahead of the pack – the standard. Then came Sony‘s Playstation and the rest is history. Now the war combatants are mainly Microsoft and Sony.

Nintendo has pretty much weathered the storm and focused more on game mobility and family-based games. With the coming of Wii, is this the ‘Return of the King’? As with every king, there must be a champion, one who will go out into the world and proclaim his allegiance. There seems to be a possible candidate, and he’s American…American McGee.

Just who is American McGee? He is the level designer of some of the greatest games ever designed: Quake, Doom, and others. He’s also been involved in the movie adaptation of his “Alice” game.

Okay on to the “comment.”

According to McGee, “Wii is the only true next-gen console.” This statement alone has re-ignited the dying embers of the game console wars among gamers. McGee goes on to say that Sony and Microsoft are just “in it for the money,” adding that while Nintendo was trying out new things and attracting non-hardcore gamers into the fold, Sony and Microsoft just pumped up their consoles to do the same things – only with better and faster graphics and sounds.

Is Nintendo the only one who truly cares about us gamers, by introducing new, innovative ways to make the game special? Is Sony and Microsoft just stabbing each other in the neck? There seems to be quite a lot of questions regarding this issue. How do you define innovation? How do you know whether the company’s “just in it for the money?

Ironic, that his next game, Bad Day LA will be coming out on Xbox. Oops!


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