Pixer Fixer: save yourself from pixel death

Fixing pixels.The problem with calling crait without using the capital “C” is that we can’t start any sentences with his name. It’s a small price, however, for the nifty app he’s told us about, which is now available to PSP users everywhere.

The app we’re talking about is called the Pixer Fixer. Instead of downloading large videos to help dislodge those stuck pixels on your display, you can use the 150kb app to do it for you. It does its job by randomly printing thick lines on your Sony handheld to keep pixels from getting caught. For people with small memory cards, an app like this is going to be a very welcome addition to their utilities.

According to crait, it will work on 1.0 and 2.00+ PSPs, and will also work on 1.5 with custom firmware installed. It’s an eboot, so you shouldn’t have any problems with installing it. In any case, here are his instructions for using the app:

  • Go to the Game icon on your PSP’s XMB.
  • Click X then find the icon that has the title “PixerFixer By crait.” And once again, press X.
  • Run this program for about 1 minute, changing the brightness setting of your PSP system every 2-4 seconds.

Simple, right? Enjoy!

Download: [Pixer Fixer]

Fixing pixels.The problem with calling crait without using the capital “C” is that we can’t start any sentences with his name. It’s a small price, however, for the nifty app he’s told us about, which is now available to PSP users everywhere.

The app we’re talking about is called the Pixer Fixer. Instead of downloading large videos to help dislodge those stuck pixels on your display, you can use the 150kb app to do it for you. It does its job by randomly printing thick lines on your Sony handheld to keep pixels from getting caught. For people with small memory cards, an app like this is going to be a very welcome addition to their utilities.

According to crait, it will work on 1.0 and 2.00+ PSPs, and will also work on 1.5 with custom firmware installed. It’s an eboot, so you shouldn’t have any problems with installing it. In any case, here are his instructions for using the app:

  • Go to the Game icon on your PSP’s XMB.
  • Click X then find the icon that has the title “PixerFixer By crait.” And once again, press X.
  • Run this program for about 1 minute, changing the brightness setting of your PSP system every 2-4 seconds.

Simple, right? Enjoy!

Download: [Pixer Fixer]

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